— Senior product designer & Art director

Auckland Transport

Auckland Transport


Project brief

Auckland transport (AT) provides all public transport services to the 1.6 million citizens of Auckland city.

In 2021, the organisation launched the 'Rapidly switch to self-service' project. The project aimed to decrease call centre volume, costing the business over $1million/year.

I worked on two initiatives which were identified as the highest drivers of call volume.

  1. AT HOP (customer account management)

  2. Journey Planner (similar to Google maps)Volunteer project


Callum McLeod (AT product owner)
Jane Wallworth (AT product owner)
Lydia Bae (Purple Shirt UX designer)
Marina Cardone (Purple Shirt UX designer)

My roles

UX design

UI design

UX Research



Result: 6 months after project completion, call volume decreased by 30%.